question for Andreas: pad controller vs semi weighted keyboard


hi, I have tried the course for 2 days, I must say I am extremely impressed by the system. That’s the way to teach, and the way to learn!

I play keyboards/piano amongst other instruments. I have next to zero experience with finger drumming on a keyboard. However, I can say that the Alesis Coda keyboard I have, compared to the aKAI MPD218, is FAR more responsive. The Alesis a budget digital piano that I use as keyboard controller, but the quality of the keybed and responsiveness is excellent, I tested it against far more costly keyboards. There’s two models of this, one has hammer action keybed, that would be not good. The other has semi weighted keys, the one I use, which feels superb, the dynamics are very easy to control from piano to forte and all in between..

I have been wondering, what do you think about finger drumming on a synth or semi weighted keyboard? Do you think one could do everything that is possible after finishing the Core program on the xTREME setup?

I want to clarify that regardless, I want to study the entire course on my akay mpd, simply because I am learning so much about finger drumming and drumming. It is an extremely instructive course and it feels really satisfactory to study it because of its step-by-step thoroughness.

I am just wondering if after the completion of the course, I might transfer all my knowledge on the keyboard. I am already getting used to the akai but the keyboard is far more sensitive. Another difference, as mentioned elsewhere in the blog, is that the pads are not exactly super consistent….some feels more or less sensitive, but nothing too bad, I still like the akai. But the keyboard feels super consistent. Any thoughts? Thanks.

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Asked on December 1, 2023 2:48 pm
Private answer

Hi there, first of all, thanks for your kind words about the Course! I'm glad that you like it so much.
Regarding your topic: you can certainly convert some of the XpressPads finger drumming logic to keys (white keys of course, due to the mirror layout), but I'm an advocate of finger drumming on pads, rather than keys, especially with the XpressPads technique. I know only one person who's incredible as a finger drummer on keys, and that's Andre Louis.

However, I'm not a keyboardist and thus wouldn't even try finger drumming on a keyboard. Hitting pads with my finger tips feels much more natural to me, also because there's some kind of direct rebound, which is not the case when "hitting" a key on the keyboard. Anyway, if keys come natural to you, there's no reason to not try them out for finger drumming.

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Answered on December 1, 2023 4:05 pm
Private answer

Thanks. I'll certainly do at least the core course with the akai pads, I am getting used to it, but once I get down all the excellent information in your course, I'll check how it works with the keyboard. I really feel this is all worth doing in any case, very impressive course.

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Answered on December 1, 2023 8:36 pm