How to play varying accents on two kit pieces at the same time with just one hand?


[This question was asked by a customer via email]

I am now on the accent lesson of the program. As you emphasis on alteration of hand, it does feel more fluent in playing. But when playing with accents, it will be a lot harder? when the accent beat is with a kick or snare, i will also accent the kick or snare too. Whereas if i play the HH with one hand and the rest with the other hand it will be easier. Do you have any advice or share your experience on this practice using your alteration methods?

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Asked on March 11, 2016 11:03 pm
Private answer

Indeed, playing one kit piece with normal intensity and another kit piece accented is a challenge, especially because both kit pieces have to be played with the same hand at the same time. It requires some co-ordination training and getting a feeling for varying velocity hitting with both fingers. I suggest to practice this slowly and pay particular attention to velocity precision. I don’t recommend to break the alternating hands rule as this would lead into trouble of a different kind, meaning losing the constant flow and running into timing issues.

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Answered on March 11, 2016 11:03 pm
Private answer

Thanks for the prompt reply and sharing. I will practise as advise. I do enjoy the lesson very much. Thanks again.

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Answered on March 11, 2016 11:03 pm
Private answer

That’s great. Thank you!

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Answered on March 11, 2016 11:03 pm