How to deal with the missing Tom


To beef up my training material I resort to regular drumming literature. Most of these books assume that I have at least a basic 5 piece kit plus HiHat, Crash and Ride. But we have only eight pads (for each hand) and the HiHat needs two, so one piece had to go – the second Tom.

Any tips on how to translate all these beautiful fills written for 3 Toms to the XpressPad Layout? Should I replace the second Tom with the Snare, should I substitute the second Tom with one/both of the others, or perhaps the Kick?

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Asked on August 9, 2023 8:30 pm
Private answer

Hi, When it comes to the XpressPads technique, the solution is to use two pad controllers which is a concept taught in the Advanced section of the eCourse. In the Standard Layout you have two toms at your disposal, in the Xtreme Layout four, plus some other additional kit pieces / articulations.

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Answered on August 10, 2023 11:10 am