Empty Introduction Section?


[This question was asked by a customer via the feedback form]

On the first page of the app, you said to read all the blog posts in the “Introduction” category. When I select the “Introduction” nothing happens, there’s no drop down folder. The “Basics”, “Intermediate”, “Advanced” and “Xtreme” categories each have drop down folders listing the individual lessons, so it’s only the “Introduction” category that isn’t working. What should I do?

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Asked on March 11, 2016 9:55 pm
Private answer

What you see in the “Introduction” section of the eCourse is correct. It redirects to the Website blog for the absolute fundamentals which you’ll find in the “get started now” section and the “introduction” section of the blog.


Any questions – please let me know.

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Answered on March 11, 2016 9:56 pm