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[This question was asked by a customer via email] Hi Andreas, Firstly I’d like to thank you for your job in fingerdrummin’ original technique and providing us as I believe, some amazing step by step course to improve our skills and by the way our music. That been said(and sincerely said)…. there’s unfortunately a “but” as I haven’t been able to listen to the audio demo examples in your pdf courses…I’ve installed the program without any trouble, it launches without trouble too (I precise I’m on Windows 7 64B)…but when I click on any of the blue square with the white arrow inside, no audio comes out…and that’s terribly frustrating, because I wanted to be able to hear your examples in my headphones and be able to replicate them on the go with my Maschine Studio controller. For the overall picture, I use as audio device an RME Fireface UC which is multi-client and allows me to have Maschine2(or FL Studio 11) managed by ASIO driver working alongside with a VLC player for example (not ASIO). My RME works very well and I often can watch video tutorials on Youtube with maschine2 loaded and playable ….so I think the audio missing problem comes from your software. I tried yesterday night to find in the Xpresspads install directory the audio files in order to launch them manually and go on in the course but I couldn’t find any wav or mp3 file in this place. So I’m here writing to you to solve my problem because I really NEED to study your courses to kick the ass of my controller 😉 Can you help me? Best regards […] Marked as spam
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