Alesis VI49 problem with EZDrummer 2


I’ve just got an Alesis VI49 keyboard with drum pads.
I’ve mapped the pads according to xpresspads doc, through the proprietary Alesis software.
I’ve checked all the pads are correctly set, but when testing on EZDrummer (or EZDrummer through Ableton) every pad is correctly assigned, but pads 6 and 7 (High Tom, Note 50/D3) is not correctly assigned to HIgh Tom. It is assigned to Crash 1.
Someone with this hardware who knows how to get this work correctly?
Thank you in advance! 🙂

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Asked on October 11, 2020 10:25 pm
Private answer

The problem is actually not the VI49, but ezDrummer. In ezD you cannot change the midi mapping. ezD comes with something that comes close to the General MIDI Standard, but not completely. It's quite annoying but based on my research that's something that Toontrack isn't going to change in their software. Really annoying...
The workaround is to either amend the the VI49 midi note assignments for the mentioned pads. I'd recommend that if you ONLY finger drum with ezDrummer. If you however want to use the XpressPads technique with different virtual drum modules (most of which can load a GM mapping template), I'd suggest to work with a custom midi map in you DAW (if it provides that functionality... which most DAWs do) and load it whenever you use ezDrummer for finger drumming.
Hope this helps!

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Answered on October 12, 2020 8:44 am
Private answer

Thank you so much for the feedback! :)
I think I'm moving to another plugin / software ;)

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Answered on October 12, 2020 11:04 pm