Running XpressPads on both PC AND Mac


[This question was asked by a customer via email]

I have a Mac laptop (13” Macbook with the latest MacOSX) and could use the course there, however I would prefer to have it on my main machine (PC with Windows 10).

I read in the FAQ that you allow the course to be installed on 2 machines. Is it possible to have it on my MAC and on my PC and I could use the beta version on windows 10 until you have a fully working version. The total will be 2 installations.

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Asked on March 12, 2016 12:12 am
Private answer

Yes, that’s no problem at all. In this case it wouldn’t matter which version you buy. I’d manually set you up as a user and send you DL link and activation code for the other.

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Answered on March 12, 2016 12:12 am
Private answer

I just bought the Mac version and I will install it as soon as I find where my macbook is :-) Once you send me the beta version for windows I will try it as well.

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Answered on March 12, 2016 12:12 am