Incorrect drums mapping on mpd218 Xpresspads preset


Hi all,
I’m starting learning xpress pads course. But I can not get my MPD218 working correctly.
I assigned the correct preset on MPD218 Editor (standard xpresspads), and tested many DAWs. But no succed.
The problem is that I can not get each pad sound as described in the pdf:
For example, the four pads in the upper row have the same sound (I think ride)
In my case I’m using Addictive pads 2.
Any idea what could be wrong?
Thank you in advance!

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Asked on April 30, 2018 11:26 pm
Private answer

Hi Alejandro,

As I understand from what you wrote, you’ve downloaded the MPD218 presets from the website and stored them on your MPD218.

There are a couple of things you need to take care of:
– your DAW needs to recognize the device
– your (instrument or midi) track needs to be set up to to receive midi data coming from the MPD218
– your midi mapping of your virtual drum module (Addictive Drums as you said) needs to be “General Midi” (GM)

Have you checked all of that?

Best regards


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Answered on May 1, 2018 11:30 am
Private answer

Thank you! I solved that.
The problem was a wrong setting on the mapping on addictive drums. It was not set on “General MidI”

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Answered on May 2, 2018 3:33 pm